Thursday, February 17, 2011

First session...

Kai had his first therapy session on Wednesday.  We have been blessed with a therapist that BOTH kids warmed right up to.  The first session was just a "getting to know you" sort of thing.  We all sat around the table and did finger painting.  We went over some paperwork and what not. 

We are still planning on getting his ears checked... the fact that he HATES swinging might have something to do with his ears... or it might just be a sensory thing. 

For reference - here are his stats...

Body Control and Movement 
Gross motor - 15 months - walks well, runs, creeps up and down stairs, climbs furniture.  Throws ball, squats and stands.
Fine motor - 11 months - Has pincer grasp, scribbles with crayon.  Throws a ball, pushes car and truck.

Thinking, Learning and Playing
8 months - Kisses and hugs doll during play.  Imitates clapping, sometimes waves good-bye.  Sometimes imitates tongue-clicking.  Likes to bang or throw toys, uncovers face, pulls string to get toy.

Speech and Language
Receptive - 8 months
Expressive - 5 months
- Does not know body parts.  His words are "oh oh", "dis" and "dat".  No other sounds or consonants. Responds to name or sound source.  Does not identify named objects.

Relating to Parents, Self and Others
11 months - Plays peek-a-boo.  Leaves mom briefly.  Performs for social attention but not for praise.

Self Help and Self Care
Eating - 19 months
Toileting - 12 months
- Dressing - takes socks and mittens off, combs hair and brushes teeth.  Uses a fork and spoon.  Uses a sippy cup.  Has paci.  Eats well, sucks from a straw.

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