Thursday, March 31, 2011


Kai did sooo good today!

I was allowed to go with him into the operating room, and be with him while he went under.  However, they made me leave before he was asleep... that kinda bothered me... poor bubber was still looking around...

Anyway... about 45 minutes later the doctor came in and said that his adenoids were really large, and he had alot of fluid behind his ears - so it was good that we got the surgery done. 

While he was in recovery they called me back cause he was having a really hard time coming out of the anestheisa.  He was fading in and out, and holding his breath, so his oxygen levels kept dropping... He had a few more episodes of this, but eventually he came out and just fell sound asleep. 

and he slept...
slept during lunch with my dad (yumm... thanks!)
slept the way to the pharmacy...
slept AT the pharmacy...
and then slept for the next 4 hours.

I finally had to wake him up so he could have something to drink...  Then he slept some more!

All in all, he did great!  Can't wait to see what happens with his speech now!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

test test